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On Sunday 27th June the Christchurch YMCA hosts another Canterbury Schools Indoor Wall Climbing Competition, attracting over 100 students from many High Schools from around Christchurch and Canterbury.

An initiative first started by the Christchurch YMCA a number of years ago has turned into an annual event that schools and High Schools really look forward to. Young people train for this event and the winning teams and individuals go on to compete in the New Zealand Schools Climbing Competition – also hosted by the Christchurch YMCA.

"The energy, teamwork and fun that occurs at the climbing wall over this day never ceases to amaze and impress me. The young people and teachers involved prove to the world, that during this time of their life young people have got plenty of passion, drive and determination." Says Ginny Bowden, Senior Manager of the YMCA responsible for the Climbing wall and other youth focused outdoor education programmes.

The competition involves team entries of four people per team. This year, 26 teams have entered - along with some individual categories for entry too. Schools are coming from far and wide to be part of the hype, the camaraderie, the physical challenge, and the q-dos associated with a big win. Many of the teams have been practising and training all year for this weekend.

The YMCA is also excited about hosting the New Zealand School Climbing Competition in September this year, bringing together climbers from schools from all over New Zealand. This would be a weekend of climbing at the YMCA with the Y able to provide accommodation and meals for the students and their teachers, while also offering a well proven climbing competition format.

"What perhaps non-climbers don't realise about climbing, is the fact that the sport combines a really unique mix of personal, individual challenge – but which cannot be achieved without teamwork. One person cannot climb without the trust and confidence of the person belaying. Very few other sports offer this special dynamic – as well as the optional bonus of being able to take the lessons learned outside to climb on real rock as well." Said Bowden

The event is heavily subsidised by the YMCA who is grateful to the further support and sponsorship for prizes of outdoor retail companies Outsider Mountain Sports, Marvelox and Bivouac.

"This event wouldn't happen without the tremendous support of the combined 'school community,' and we are really pleased to be able to utilise Y facilities for such a fantastic event."