Know before you go - AdventureSmart

Auckland athlete Dharbhasana Lynn 34, today became the first New Zealander to complete the epic 5,000 km Self-Transcendence 3,100 Mile Race in New York City – the world’s longest certified race.

Battling record summer heat along with dust, hail storms injuries and fatigue Dharbhasana resolutely ran and walked 18 hours a day for 52 consecutive days to finish just 4 hours before the 52 day race cut-off.

Established by fitness advocate the late Sri Chinmoy in 1997 the gruelling, annual 3,100 Mile Race comprises 5,649 laps around a 883 metre city block in Queens, New York.

Dharbhasana averaged a remarkable 96 kms a day and covered more than 3 times the length of New Zealand – by far the greatest distance ever run by a Kiwi.